Monday, September 28, 2009

I chopped my hair!!!

Yep! I did it!!!!!! I went to the salon the other day to get my extensions taken out and felt so BALD!... after that I decided wtf I'm just going to cut it all off...and that's exactly what I did!! It's different but I'm loving it and it's sooo much easier! I can't say how long I'll go without putting some more extensions back in because I've had long hair all my life...until now! I guess it's better when having sex though because one things for sure it DEFINITELY doesn't get in the way anymore ;) hehe

Here is a pic of my new look :)

What do you guys think?

xoxo always,



  1. I'll reserve judgment until I see the shorter hair in a scene.

  2. You look like a totally different person! Well, not totally different. Maybe like a twin cousin, or something... j/k Anywhoo, you're still a smokin hottie!
